Our service starts at 10:45 am every Sunday. Hope to see you here!
Rootstown Church of Hope is here to help people learn about the love of Jesus and develop a relationship with Him. Our Vision Statements is: Living God's Word in Today's World. Our Mission Statement is: Share the love of Jesus as we; Build Community, Support Families, Experience Fellowship, Worship Passionately, Gros Disciples and Send Apostles. Our Tag Line is: H.O.P.E. H.elping O.thers P.repare for E.ternity.
We have various ways of outreach in hopes of reaching the most people. Our ministries rely on the Lord and on people donating their prayers, time, energy and money. We have been in the community over 200 years and hope to continue for many more years. If you want to know more we invite you to join us Sunday mornings for Sunday morning classes or worship, or any of our weekly activities! You can always call the office and see what activities we have that fit your family. We thank you for your prayers!
Office number: 330-325-1426
Office email: [email protected]
Office hours: Tuesday - Friday from 8:30 am - 12 pm
Pastor: Pastor Donna Mills
Pastor Donna's email: [email protected]
Pastor Donna's office hours: Tuesday - Thursday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Music: Mark Griffith
Office: Carolyn Shadley, Church Secretary
LISTEN TO MESSAGES from Pastor Donna (and others).
Rootstown Church of Hope is here to help people learn about the love of Jesus and develop a relationship with Him. Our Vision Statements is: Living God's Word in Today's World. Our Mission Statement is: Share the love of Jesus as we; Build Community, Support Families, Experience Fellowship, Worship Passionately, Gros Disciples and Send Apostles. Our Tag Line is: H.O.P.E. H.elping O.thers P.repare for E.ternity.
We have various ways of outreach in hopes of reaching the most people. Our ministries rely on the Lord and on people donating their prayers, time, energy and money. We have been in the community over 200 years and hope to continue for many more years. If you want to know more we invite you to join us Sunday mornings for Sunday morning classes or worship, or any of our weekly activities! You can always call the office and see what activities we have that fit your family. We thank you for your prayers!
Office number: 330-325-1426
Office email: [email protected]
Office hours: Tuesday - Friday from 8:30 am - 12 pm
Pastor: Pastor Donna Mills
Pastor Donna's email: [email protected]
Pastor Donna's office hours: Tuesday - Thursday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Music: Mark Griffith
Office: Carolyn Shadley, Church Secretary
LISTEN TO MESSAGES from Pastor Donna (and others).
Rootstown Church of Hope belongs to the Allegheny West Conference of the Global Methodist Church. More information about the Conference can be found on their website: alleghenywestgmc.org.
There are events for both youth and adults.
The Allegheny West Conference of the Global Methodist Church is sponsoring a 2024 Encounter Youth Conference for grades 7 to 12. The Conference will be held from the evening of Friday, April 26th through early afternoon on Sunday, April 28th, 2024 at Seneca Hills Bible Camp in Polk, PA. If you are interested in attending this Conference or sending your child, please contact the church or go to www.alleghenywestencounter.org.
There are events for both youth and adults.
The Allegheny West Conference of the Global Methodist Church is sponsoring a 2024 Encounter Youth Conference for grades 7 to 12. The Conference will be held from the evening of Friday, April 26th through early afternoon on Sunday, April 28th, 2024 at Seneca Hills Bible Camp in Polk, PA. If you are interested in attending this Conference or sending your child, please contact the church or go to www.alleghenywestencounter.org.